RemotLog | Manipal University Jaipur

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Manipal University Jaipur


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Manipal University Jaipur

Manipal University Jaipur Libraries are the hub for academic information services in the university and serves as a major learning and resource centres. The Manipal University Libraries now holds nearly 75000 books; about 2.30 lakh e-books; 350 print periodicals including 250 national and 100 international journals, 1000 back volumes of journals, 325 Ph.D theses; and about 3000 CD/DVD-ROMs. The MUJ Libraries provides access to 32960 e-journals covering IEL Online, Springer Journals, EBSCO Business Source Elite, JGate, JSTOR, Manupatra, Lexis India, Supreme Court Cases, Corporate Law Advisor, and CMIE Database.The MUJ libraries have seating capacity of  700. 

The Central Library has established an Institutional Repository using Dspace: A Digital Library Software. The Central Library provides off campus access to all its subscribed contents to the students, faculty, and research scholars through username and password using Remotlog software.

The Central Library extends research support to the researchers and faculty by providing Turnitin: A Plagiarism checking software and QuillBot: Research Writing Tool.The Central Library is a Member of DELNET, INFLIBNET, e-ShodhSindhu, ShodhGanga, British Council Library, Current Science, Indian Academy of Social Sciences, and American Library.

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Library AddressCentral Library, Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur-Ajmer Express Highway, Dehmi Kalan, Jaipur, Rajasthan 303007

Contact No.9942557347

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